Tuun – Resonate Bio Hacking Technology

Before I go into some of the features of this cutting edge technology for the new Tuun device, let me explain some results I am receiving from this amazing new wearable miracle. Honestly, this simple device is an answer to my prayers. I am one of the lucky people who got the first release of this technological breakthrough. To clarify, this is a wearable pendent that hangs over the Thymus Lymphoid Organ. I am receiving relief from pain, by wearing it around my neck. CLICK THIS LINK TO VISIT STORE!


After the First Night’s Use

Although no medical claims, I can testify this is product is magical. In fact, after just six hours of sleep while wearing it, I woke with a noticeable reduction in pain. In order to explain the back story, let me fill you in, with my conditions. Seven years ago I suffered a traumatic back injury, and blew-out my disc between my L4 & L5 vertebrae. An MRI reveals a 13-14 millimeter protruding disc. Not only do I have pain in my back (constantly), but I also suffer from massive neuropathy pain, numbness, and the feeling of pins and needles, down my left leg, and into my foot. Even though the prognosis for me is surgical repair, I’m glad I did not opt for this option. Now I have a solution for my pain, and discomfort, from heaven. When you think about it, this makes sense. Inasmuch as nerve impulses are electrical in nature, when there is an interruption in the correct resonance signal, there has to be a consequence. So, correcting our system to the perfect frequency for humans, will be beneficial.

Party Hardy!

I am one of the beneficiaries of attending the Launch of the new Tuun device. This company is the best network marketing company in the world! We had two days of intense training, and on the second day, during our lunch break there were approximately two hundred people in line for six elevators. Given our break is one hour, a twenty minute wait to get to the seventh floor seems too much time. So, I made the decision to take the stairs. To clarify, this option has been off the table for me for seven years.


Tune-Up with Tuun

After two days of intense training, we attended a “Gala Dinner and Entertainment” celebration. Truthfully, I usually am unable to dance, however with this new pain relief I am now able to join in all of the party fun! By the way, a frequency of 7.83 Hz, is the maximum optimum for our brains, when we sleep. Many of the attendees of the Launch Convention, report amazing sleep, from wearing the Tuun Resonate. I can also testify to the benefits of the improvement of my sleep. FIND DETAILED INFORMATION HERE… When prompted for “Referrer ID, use 5366

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Entrepreneurs Must Check this Out!

Without a doubt, the new Tuun product, is absolutely life changing. Not only this, there are four additional bio hacking products, for life enhancing. Word of mouth, or Direct Marketing, allows anyone the opportunity of a life time. As a matter of fact, this platform is creating Life Changing Incomes, for many of the members. Truthfully, the leadership is unlike any other, and I have the privilege of benefiting from my association with them. It’s simple! A two step process. “Share the Product”, and “Share the Opportunity”. If you have ever thought, there must be a better way, be sure and CHECK THIS OUT! CLICK HERE! The opportunity is waiting for you.

My Protection Bubble!

In conclusion, this device keeps me on top of my “A” game. This is my protection bubble. Furthermore, this keeps me grounded, I feel like I’m walking on the beach barefoot.


View additional information here. Watch an alarming video, and click on “Download Brochure”. Use 5366 for referrer ID number.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.