Grit! and Self Motivation

Grit is a simple word to describe motivation. To clarify, giving into the tendency to procrastinate, is a sure fire way to fail. As an example, when I made the choice to start my own business, I had the underlying thoughts of how great it will be to not have to get up in the morning and report to my ex-job. As you can imagine, this is the wrong approach. After two years of floundering along, and not taking my business seriously, I came to the realization that if I truly wanted to succeed, I would have to work twice as hard as I did at my job. The video below is an exploration in success, and the power of grit.

Grit – the Power of Passion and Perseverance

Remember the fable of the tortoise and the hare? It’s simple, perseverance and passion, along with patients is grit, and these are the key to success. Not to mention the saying “procrastination is the thief of time”. To put it another way, Jim Rohn states it like this “today is yesterday’s tomorrow”. Sage advice for anyone who is serious about becoming successful in business, and life. This link will take you to Jim Rohn’s YouTube video: “The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle”

Self starters, or people with grit, read more here. Business minded people are discovering the power of marketing through the internet!!!

Incidentally, a wise man said, “thoughts are causes, and conditions are effects”. So consider the law of cause and effect when thinking negative thoughts. We can all attract what we want. Be positive, and guard your thoughts. You CAN have the life you desire. Like I point out, have patients, perseverance, and passion. Never, EVER quit!

To sum it all up, why put off something today, when there isn’t any guarantee of tomorrow?