The Frequency of Clothing

Believe it or not, there is a frequency of clothing. As you can see, humans are extremely sensitive to sound and vibration, and this even extends to the clothes we wear. Additionally, you will rapidly discover that it is really challenging to consistently wear the healthiest apparel. Wearing a tuün® RESONATE is essential if you want to take every precaution to safeguard your “Frequency.” Having said that, let’s go on to the amazing details.

frequency of clothing  swatch of wool fabric
  • What we consume also includes what we wear. Wearing anything is not as significant as the fabrics of our lives. What they are composed of affects who we are.
  • According to a study by Dr. Heidi Yellen, the materials we wear have an impact on our wellbeing. In ways we never would have thought of or perhaps even comprehend.
  • This makes perfect sense to all of us. Everything vibrates at a different frequency, according to this study, which is based on bioenergetics.
  • Additionally, Yellen is sharing, that everything has it’s own vibratory signature that can affect our energy, including textiles. Therefore, the materials we select are important. Furthermore, a lot of what is in the “Popular Fashion World” is the frequency that is actually as common as the frequency of someone who is ill or deceased.
  • We can see that everything in our environment is made up of atoms. Furthermore, the vibrating rates of these particular atoms vary.
  • We are using the term “frequency” to describe or explain this vibration. Because the majority of these frequencies are outside the range of human perception. It is possible to measure and scientifically verify frequencies.
  • Atoms that vibrate at various rates make up everything in the cosmos, including the clothing we wear, and the air we breathe. Frequency is the term we use to describe this phenomena.
  • According to the study, the frequency of a human body in good health is 100. The frequency at which a healthy human body rests is 100, per Dr. Heidi Yellen’s study. Therefore, if the frequency falls below 100, it may indicate that the body’s natural equilibrium is being upset. and perhaps resulting in a range of psychological and physical issues.

According to the study, there may be a connection between human health and fabric frequencies. Energy is specifically imparted by high-frequency textiles including wool, hemp, linen, and organic cotton. That implies that it might be depleted by low-frequency synthetics.

This offers an intriguing perspective on our comprehension. It ought to make us think about the materials we wear, and how they affect our health and vitality. High Frequency is what we seek in our clothes. and wish to stay away from the low frequency fabrics, like synthetic materials.

With a high frequency of 5,000, linen cloth stands out among the fabrics in Yellen’s study. Compared to the human body’s usual frequency of about 100, this is 50 times higher. The high frequency of linen implies that it may provide the person energy. This has the potential to improve health and energy.

Throughout history, linen has been valued for its therapeutic qualities and frequently utilized in clothes, linen sheets, and bandages. It is also well-known for its inherent resistance to the growth of fungus and bacteria. If you wish to ask a more pointed question, what was the reason behind the removal of hospital linens? Yes, this bothers all of us.

Wool vibrates with a frequency of 5,000, like linen. It is known for being warm and cozy, but its high frequency implies that it has potential for more than simply physical warmth; it may also vibrate and excite the wearer. However, the frequencies of linen and wool are nullified when worn together, as the Bible teaches. They balance each other out. Wear wool or linen, but not both at once.

The frequency of organic cotton is 100, making it stand out. A healthy body rests at the same 100. This is reflecting the frequency of the human body. NOTE: The frequency of non-organic is indicated to be lower, at roughly 70. Additionally, organic cotton is a harmonizing 100.

According to the findings of Dr. Yellen’s study, it is not a winner in the frequency. In Dr. Yellen’s investigation, silk was tested at a frequency of only 10. The chemicals and processing techniques may be the cause of this extraordinarily low frequency. In conclusion, even if silk feels good to the touch, we don’t receive the energy.

Rayon led to testing at a frequency of 15 in the study. Additionally, synthetic materials with a zero frequency include nylon, polyester, and acrylic. These are therefore detrimental to both our bodies and the environment.

frequency of clothing
  • When making general decisions, each of us must consider what we eat, wear, and consume.
  • We are what we eat. And then simply wait until you learn about the frequency of food.
  • Each of us chooses what we consume. Keeping an eye on our eating and clothes choices is also important.
  • The only option for obtaining the correct frequency is The tuün® RESONATE.
  • Tuün® RESONATE is something that everyone should wear constantly. More information can be found here.
  • A straightforward solution that endures for years.
  • Additionally, it is something that we can use, share, and gift, to the important people in our lives.

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